Chartwell House, Westerham, Kent

Winston Churchill lived in Chartwell house from 1924 until the end of his life. Since being taken over by the National Trust, the rooms remain much as they were when he resided here and, unlike some restored buildings, this place really feels like a home. It doesn't take long to walk around the inside of the building, but with so many twists, turns and corridors, you quickly lose all sense of direction until you come out the other side. And as ever, the National Trust volunteers are always on hand to satisfy every burning, Churchill-related question you may have to offer. The ponds in the garden, resurrected by Churchill himself, are worth a walk around and though we went on a miserable rainy day, the landscaping is still impressive. There is also a good chance you'll see some black swans around the grounds which we had never seen before.

£14.30 entrance for adults isn't cheap, but as an important part of British history, it's really worth a visit. And if you're still not convinced - the warm scones sold in the café might just sway you. 

Fun Fact: To comply with Churchill's wishes, a ginger cat named Jock must always be living at Chartwell. 

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